Healthy Relationships Education

Each young person is unique, but middle, high school and college students are also interested in what others think of them. The physical, emotional and intellectual transformation from childhood to young adulthood presents a range of challenges that can make them particularly vulnerable in their relationships. Equipping them with the skills to navigate this dynamic time is essential to their health and wellbeing. We offer workshops and presentations for students, parents, school staff and anyone who seeks to strengthen their ability to promote healthy relationships in their community.

How We Work

Starting with a community needs assessment, we tailor our offerings to suit each audience. Ms. Butterfield speaks from her experiences as a parent, educator and survivor of teenage intimate partner violence. Each presentation is age appropriate and reflects current research and best practices.

Recent Offerings

Healthy Relationships 101

In Healthy Relationships 101, a keynote address or webinar followed by a brief question and answer session, students will refine their understanding of healthy relationships and consent and learn how advocating for themselves and others not only benefits each individual, but also strengthens the community as a whole.

Let’s Talk about Consent! Parent Edition

This presentation and interactive session highlights the need for direct communication with children about consent. Grounded in current research and best practices, this session helps parents understand their role in helping to keep their children safe in their relationships. We often schedule this session in tandem with our student presentation on consent to help facilitate communication across the generations.

Let’s Talk about Consent! Student Edition

This presentation and interactive session opens up a conversation about consent, clarifies the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and empowers students to protect themselves and others while enjoying their active social lives. Grounded in current research and best practices, each program is developed in consultation with parents, school leaders and guidance counselors to ensure we meet the needs of each school community.

Let’s Talk about Consent! School Staff Edition

This presentation and interactive session highlights the need for direct communication with children about consent. Grounded in current research and best practices, this session offers school staff new ways to support their students’ safety in relationships. We often schedule this session in tandem with our student presentation on consent to help facilitate communication across the school community.

Recently Requested Community Topics

  • How To Talk with Kids about Consent
  • Local Human Trafficking Risk among Teens
  • Addressing Hate Speech